Tulisan yang akan saya masukan di artikel ini sangat cocok dengan apa yang saya temui pada saat jum'atan tadi, dimana khotib khutbah menbicarakan tentang riwayat kematian Nabi Muhammad SAW. Pada saat khutbah itu aku sempat berfikir "kenapa Nabi Muhammad SAW selalu diingat semua orang ?" "kenapa Beliau begitu dicintai banyak makhluk Tuhan ?".
Dari apa yang aku pikirkan itu, kemudian baru saja aku temukan sebuah artikel di inc.com yang memuat sebuah tulisan yang membahas tentang bagaimana agar kita selalu dikenang, diingat oleh orang lain ?.
Selain menjadi baik, sebenernya ada cara yang paling mudah untuk selalu diingat oleh orang lian dengan menjadi sangat buruk, tapi saya tidak akan membahas hal buruk itu, cukup hal baik saja yang bisa membuat orang lain selalu ingat kepada kita, dan inilah tulisan itu.
Be interested in what’s going on in other people’s lives. There’s something endearing about a curious soul. How much do you know about the lives of your business associates and employees? You don’t need to pry, but expressing a genuine interest in what’s going on outside of work with people can go a long way in the level of influence you have with them.
Really listen. When’s the last time you spent time talking with someone who was fully present? Technology often gets in the way of this. If you want to make an impression on someone, silence your phone and hide it away.
Be authentic. I recently met an entrepreneur who had it all together but was disingenuous. Nothing could have turned me off faster. Before he died Kenneth wrote a missive chronicling much of his life and one of his daughters read it at his funeral. His posthumous candor was moving and reflective of how he interacted with people during life. He was authentic and everyone knew it, so it set him apart.
Set a good example. At Elloyd’s funeral one of his daughters read an e-mail she had received from an employee who had never met him (because he was retired by then). In the e-mail, the employee said she could tell by the way his children ran the company and treated their employees that he must have been a very good man to raise them up the way he did.
Be happy. It sounds so simple yet cheerfulness is a quality that eludes many. After retiring Kenneth and his wife would watch old TV shows while eating lunch. His frequent (and loud) laugh was infectious. And one of Elloyd’s daughters, a lifelong friend of mine and now head of sales for the company he started, took on her father’s positive attitude, which is something everyone who now works with her appreciates.
Be generous with your money and time. Both Elloyd and Kenneth donated generously to worthy causes and other entrepreneurs with funding and mentoring. While coaching a fledgling business into success can be time consuming, it’s an investment that will be long remembered. I hear from founders all the time who effusively express gratitude to the mentors who steered them when they most needed direction.
Stand up for what you believe in. Kenneth had no qualms about asking a neighboring table at the country club to stop cussing with his daughters in earshot. And Elloyd believed wholeheartedly in the American Dream, believing that with hard work, a good idea and solid coaching, anyone could succeed.[sumber tulisan]
Oh ya, untuk terjamahannya silahkan diterjemahkan sendiri ya, hehehhhe atau bisa juga lihat disini hasil terjemahan dari google translate
Ada satu lagi tambahan yang bisa saya tambahkan dalam tulisan ini, yaitu bertemanlah dengan siapa saja dan hargai semua makhluk Tuhan. Itu adalah pesan dari dosen saya Pak Nugroho saat setelah bimbingan skripsi selesai dan berkesempatan untuk ngobrol-ngobrol banyak hal dengan beliau.
So mari berbuat agar kita selalu dikenang oleh orang lain, bahkan orang yang baru satu menit kenal dengan kita. Seperti kata pepatah "gajah mati meninggalkan gading, harimau mati meninggalkan belang dan manusia meninggal meninggalkan namanya untuk dikenang".
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